Monday, January 9, 2012


So I have been diligently working to find my passion again for the past few months. I have made some difficult realizations that have fueled some difficult decisions. And they are finally paying off. I was able to identify that I had lost my pep due to not following my calling in several ways. #1 School. #2 Work. There are others, but these are the primary ones I have been working on. So now, I am looking at beginning school in February, and beginning a new job that I truly love within the next few weeks. I don't think I even have to tell you how good it makes me feel to take these steps. I am finally being true to myself and what I was created to do.

You would think I'd be LOVING life right? Well yes, in some ways I am. Unfortunately, I don't think I was prepared for the enormous amount of anxiety that has come along with these changes. I am not big on adjustments at all. Despite the fear and anxiety I have been experiencing, I am truly HAPPY to see my life going in the direction it was meant to go. I know I am learning how to listen to what I need at a deep level - not just my physical needs. One thing I have noticed as I take these steps is that all of the other daily irritations seem so much bigger and scarier. Normal bad day things happen and they seem like the end of the world. Insecurity flares up. Everything seems just a little more personal.

As you step out and pursue your innermost goals, it is funny how the world seems to throw curve balls that just make the journey a little more interesting. Of course, as I have made some really tough decisions a few other unexpected things have happened. Finances have been totally out of wack. A few weird relationship things have happened. Chaos is going on in my loved ones' lives. And such is the nature of CHANGE. It is unpredictable and risky. But it is beautiful. Life dies without the change and the risk. It is what keeps us alive and growing. While I held so tightly to security, I died inside. So welcome back life. Welcome back change.

What is it that you are struggling through changing right now? Has a big decision totally put you off balance? How are you handling the changing emotions and fears? Let me know: Love you guys! Be strong and hold out just a little longer for that change! It will come and you will be so glad you trusted, sweated, and waited.

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