Monday, February 24, 2014

The Human Condition

I have been thinking a lot about human behavior lately - why we make the choices we do, why we have the beliefs we do, and what the motivation is for our behavior. There is so much that I have puzzled over for years and still don't have the answers. All I have now are a few observations. Of course, many people have books full of opinions about behavior and it will take me a lifetime to read all of the valuable information out there. I would love to hear all of your thoughts and experiences as well.

Growing up, I heard a lot of discussion about people's choices. It was easy to condemn others' decisions to get high, have sex, get pregnant, be "lazy", etc... I still hear all the same condemnation around me today, but I can't help but pay attention to the very opposite feelings that well up inside me when I am faced with "those" behaviors people do. The judgment I hear at first glance can sound reasonable - sort of a "well he was asking for it when he made that choice" attitude. After many years of observing human nature for myself, I believe very deeply that humans choose very little and judgment bestowed is very harsh. We seem to be compelled to action by the variety of intense emotions we feel constantly. And I'm not just talking about the outcasts of society. I'm talking about every one of us. I know many people that claim to base their decisions on nothing but objective and logical truth, only to see them conveniently fit their "logic" around their own feelings and desires. We seem to be a wonderful judge of the potential choices others, but are completely crippled when it comes to being an unbiased critic and director of our own lives.

I am still baffled by this seemingly unavoidable denial and blindness. I am all the more convinced we must be vigilant in our own lives to be painstakingly honest. As wonderful and beautiful as our emotions and feelings are, they can sway our behavior in ways many of us are oblivious to. It is a great realization however, to understand the seemingly irrational spontaneity of others is simply a reflection of the way I behave at times. It is not beneficial to judge the behavior we see but the observation of it is powerful, because we get a glimpse of the insanity that exists in our own lives. When I look back over my own life in this way, I get to see my flaws determined by the intense pull of my feelings and emotions that seemed logical at the time.

It is dangerous to limit your self awareness by claiming you are logical and base your actions only on objective information. Dig deep and practice honesty as you take a new look at the actions that have created the tapestry of your life. Ponder the feelings you felt. Experience the emotion again. Realize the impulsivity that has changed your life and made you who you are. Release the judgment and excuses. Try and see your neighbors in a new light. Perhaps we aren't so different. Perhaps we all live with the blessing (and sometimes curse) of being created with intense and powerful emotions. So step into their shoes and practice a little less judgment. It is a beautiful experience. Judgment is a heavy burden based in misunderstanding that we can choose to trade for understanding of the human condition we experience equally. And who wants a burden anyway when the light of wisdom is at your fingertips?

How have you been limited in your beliefs about your own actions? Have you judged others' behavior because you misunderstand them? Can you choose honesty and understanding today? Let me hear about it in the conversation here or in a message to

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


It feels so good to be home. I have been getting back into the routine of my life here after a trip with my husband. Whenever I go through a change in my routine, I tend to naturally see my surroundings a little differently. It doesn't have to be a trip: just a shift in some aspect of my surroundings and activities. If I am sensitive to the change around me, it helps me appreciate what I have and be the best I can be. Changes in my life essentially help me hit a reset button.

I used to hate change and still find it uncomfortable. Even things that are good changes. Initially, it was strange for me to travel with my husband. I never realized how fixated I was on my work, ambitions, and day to day activities. Even though traveling seemed fun, it meant "having time" to leave my very busy life here. It meant a huge change of pace and sceneryBoy was I limiting myself. I will never ever get this time again. I am so glad that my husband - over and over again - has pushed me to save whatever money we can, take time off work, and experience some life changes (and a break). Although I love seeing new cultures and observing new people, what I really love and what moves me the most is getting a chance to "reset". I never understood what getting a break could really do for me. I seriously had not allowed myself to take a day off, just for fun, for years. Actually, not since I became an adult working full time...

Take a little time to experience something different than the usual. It's not earth shattering - but it seemed to be for me. By stepping aside from my usual routine, I was delighted to make a new discovery. Instead of returning to a feeling of being behind - instead of stress - I would come back motivated and thankful for even the small things in my life. I looked forward to getting back to the gym instead of dreading it. I had a refreshed passion to pour into my clients. I found myself going through clothes and jewelry, and organizing closets, and getting rid of unneeded possessions. How ridiculous that I ever pushed away an opportunity to clear my head and reset my life! I am so grateful to have discovered such a powerful tool. I believe we all need to be "reset" once in awhile to gain some perspective. A little gratitude. A little happiness. A little change. 

I realize traveling just isn't an option for many people. It wasn't for me for most of my life. Change has always been an option, however. Go experience something different. Maybe take a mini trip to the mountains (my personal, absolute favorite), or go on a small road trip. The most elaborate trips in the world do not compare to a simple, couple day drive through Yellowstone, or Glacier National Park. No matter who you are, there are some hidden options for you waiting to be discovered. Rest and refreshing is awaiting you. Please take it. Your life will thank you for it.

How are you living your life? Are you refreshed and motivated? Or are you tired and disgruntled with things? Can you allow yourself a break from the routine? Let me know your thoughts here or at

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Power of Thought

The last few months I have really zoned in on a newly discovered truth. It's not really that I was unaware of it before, but I never really considered it's importance. Positivity. Optimism. Faith. It doesn't take a genius to know these qualities are good and of course I always viewed them as wonderful things. I took their power for granted, however.

What energy do you feel when you discuss poverty? Racism? Cruelty? Hate? They are very real things that our world experiences, sure. But how do you feel when you simply think about them? I get chills. I get enraged. I get overwhelmed. I feel powerless. My life, my energy, and my sense of wellbeing are shaken to the core when my mind is consumed with tragedy and negativity. And I don't think I am the only one...

So what about delightful things? How do Love, Peace, Trust, Hope and Fairness make you feel? What kind of energy surrounds you when your mind is filled with these things? I am instantly flooded with relaxation and tension leaves my body. I feel light. I feel the urge of possibility. I feel poised to take action. There is power in thoughts of life and love. And we get to choose what to focus on. We choose what to let in, and what to keep out.

The energy of our thoughts hold potential. If we can collectively, intentionally choose to think of optimism and hope, think of the energy our world would be filled with! When the focus turns from poverty to hope, from hate to peace, maybe in that it will be fulfilled. We will receive more of what we focus on - what we pour our energy into. Place your thoughts and energy on problems and what will you get? More problems. Pour your life into healing and love, and you will find more of that will seem to find you. I want to bring more love to this world. There are beautiful beings here. There is a brilliant and beaming world waiting for a stage. Let's kick the woe and sorrow off the stage and let beauty have the spotlight!

What will you choose to think on? What energy do you wish to bring to this world? Where is your focus usually? Let me know your thoughts in the conversation here or in a message to