Sunday, August 24, 2014

Summer Expecations

So many things have been on my mind. Which means you all will probably get an earful shortly. Haha...

This summer has been exactly the opposite of my expectations. My plans were to do lots and LOTS of camping. My plans were to visit my dad in Montana and enjoy the mountains in Glacier National Park. My plans were to spend a few days adventuring with my husband backpacking the Sawtooths. My plans were... just plans. God had a different journey for me this summer. I have been grounded at home - stuck with all the wonderful aspects of my sanctuary of my home and the disappointment of letting my  scripted plans go. At the beginning of the summer, everything looked promising. My husband seemed to be well mended from the autoimmune illness he has battled with and was so well that he had even begun bodybuilding again. That's when Life stepped in. New stepson: Bam. Pancreatitis: Bam. Diverticulitis: Bam. It's a game changer...

This summer has required my husband and I to be near a bathroom and a hospital 24/7. I had heard the words Pancreatitis and Diverticulitis before but had absolutely no knowledge of the damage they could do or the radical lifestyle changes they required. My husband can no longer eat so many things. No fat. No oil. No dairy. No gluten. No nuts or seeds... what's left right? I suddenly feel guilty for enjoying so many of my own meals that he can never touch again. On top of my husband's new health complications, we now have the joy of welcoming a new addition to the Landis family. My husband and I decided to embark on a new parenting journey with my 17 year old stepson. So instead of a carefree summer of adventuring and mountain serenity, life did what it so often does: it required adjustment, learning, and growth.

My point in sharing this is not to invoke pity or sadness. It is to share my learning (or rather re-learning) of an important lesson: relying on plans to dictate your journey may cause disappointment. Expectations often lead to resentment or attempts to fight reality. I had to let go of my desires for the summer and open my eyes to the other things summer might hold for me. I got to do lots of gardening (which I LOVE). I got to can and cook to my little heart's content. I got to enjoy my work a little extra. I got to enjoy my cozy home a little more than usual. I got to learn about my stepson. I got to enjoy extra time with my husband. I GOT TO AND I GET TO. It just wasn't what I had created in my mind in anticipation of summer. Life brings us gifts constantly, but we must be willing to accept what those gifts are and look for them regularly. I am grateful for a life that is always surprising me and bringing me new challenges. It makes me feel alive.

Are there plans in your life that you have struggled to let go of? Do you expect an outcome before life has unfolded it before you? How are you with adjusting to the will of Life instead of forcing your own desires? I would love to hear about it. Please start the conversation below or send me a message at

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