Thursday, December 22, 2011

Accept What You Cannot Change

Sometimes acceptance is the hardest thing to do. It is so easy to get angry at the outcome of a situation that just didn't go my way. It is so easy to complain and feel like something just wasn't fair. It's so easy to think that someone else had it so much easier... Even though it can feel good to let myself slip into this type of thinking pattern, it is soooo unhealthy. Thoughts like this can get me into the most negative mood. Can somebody say pity party?? The worst part is that as tempting as these feelings are, in the long run they are a real kill joy. They can just take the life right out of you and leave you feeling empty and hopeless.

I have learned some simple but valuable tools to handle my own destructive thoughts. When I notice my thoughts drifting towards feeling taken advantage of, or angry because of a "stupid" outcome, I have to ask myself if it is something I can change. If it is something I can change, I should simply take action instead of complaining. If it is something I have no control over, I must accept it and let it go. Thinking of the negatives will not change the outcome or make the situation any better. Furthermore, allowing myself to believe that an experience wasn't fair ultimately causes me to doubt in my God's best wishes for me. When I bring myself back to what I truly believe, I know that nothing happens without God not only knowing what He is doing, but also doing it in my absolute best interest. I may not understand it, and it may not be pleasant, but it is exactly what I need. Always.

Taking a step towards acceptance or action is the first move leading to healing and away from misery. I have to constantly remind myself that if I can't control it (and usually I can't) there is no use worrying/resenting/fighting it. I can choose many many things in my life, but there will aways be a few things that require patience and love. This is still beautiful. This is growth and the shaping of our being. So what is it that you get mad at, shake your fist at God, or feel that you weren't treated fairly? Are you wasting your time worrying and resenting something that will never change? Or fearing something that you will never have control over? What do you have the power to change today and how can you take steps toward THAT? Direct all of your power and energy toward something that you will rock at changing and just sit back and watch in awe. God gave you a potential that is just waiting to be accessed and used. It's all about what you use your time for. So make it count.

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