Sunday, December 4, 2011

What Do You Judge?

I would like to share my recent inspiration to be healthy. You know I used to be one of those people that complained about how unhealthy our society was, how the obesity rate was out of control, how too many people ate fast food and how awful grocery store food had gotten to be... All the while, I was: eating fast food, making fattening food at home, drinking coffee by the pot, skipping meals, and in general participating in all the habits I claimed to hate. What a hypocrite right?

Sheesh. Well recently I had a wake up call. About nine months ago, I was diagnosed with 6 tumors in my breast. Even though they were thought to be benign, they were growing at an enormous pace and getting uncomfortable. I started taking better care of myself, right? Nope. I totally shut out the way my body was feeling because I was too afraid to face it. So eight months went by. With the help of a good friend, I was able to recognize this character defect and see the need to begin taking better care of myself. This led me to get another ultrasound, which led to a biopsy. Now God was very gracious to me, because those tumors ended up being benign. But I think I got the hint.

So instead of simply judging everyone else for being unhealthy, I decided to take care of what I could change: my own health. I have now successfully been taking healthy supplements and eating healthy foods for over two months. I feel great. Not only that, my mind has gotten healthier. I don't have to feel guilty anymore for perpetuating a lifestyle I don't agree with. Yea, it's been a challenge. It can take a little extra time to find the organic foods, the non-dairy, and the low sugar foods. It can take extra effort to make a healthy dish. But it is soooo worth it.

It might not be healthy eating that is a struggle for you. What is that one thing that you judge society for, but you are just as guilty of? Can you take a step and change what you can today? You will never be able to change society, but if we all change what we can about ourselves: we can truly make  difference. 

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