Thursday, December 1, 2011

Is It Really Worth It?

"Before we get angry at someone else for the way our lives are, let us look within and see how we have participated in creating our life to this moment. And then let us take full responsibility for our lives and begin to build a new and miraculous life one day at a time with the powerful Uni-verse. We can do amazing things when we remain calm within the center of the storm and take full responsibility for our lives.

At our very core, we were born to be the full unique expression of Love that we are. When we do this, miracles happen and we step into a way of living and being that far surpasses even our own understanding. It requires that we take responsibility, focus on the solution and find peace within the chaos of our lives." - Mastin Kipp

I read this today and felt a wave of conviction. Oftentimes it is just second nature to pass the blame off to someone else for the situations in my life. I had a moment today where I was angry, pissed off, feeling very sorry for myself, and out of my mind in a paniced frenzy. I had allowed my thoughts to get out of control, but took no credit for it. In my chaos that seemed so big, I could barely function in the tasks that I was doing at the time. I was flustered. The words of a friend echoed in my mind: "if it is urgent, it's probably not important; if it is important, it probably is not urgent." So, I focused on grounding my mind. My situation really was not as HUGE as I was making it. People deal with lots of bigger things. Then, I started to see how little responsibility I had taken for the experience. I had chosen to create MORE chaos instead of choosing to remain calm in my storm. In the end, everything worked out the way it should have and all my worry, anger, and stress was a waste of my time. I sacrificed my serenity in order to feel justified in accusing someone else of my painful experience.

Why do we do this? The calm and love that Mastin talks about really is a miracle. And it really is the peak of fulfillment. It is easy to feel like we deserve to be angry about others' actions and angry about situations we experience. The high road however, is to accept whatever part we had in it, accept humanity, and move on with Love. This creates true happiness and peace of mind. If you have taken part in the frustration and anger at times, ask yourself: is it really worth the energy? Is is really worth losing your serenity?

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