Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!!

2014. What an opportunity. There is always something refreshing about beginning a new year. January is cleansing and exciting when I think about shedding all the weight of last year... and I'm not talking about physical weight. We all accumulate baggage throughout the year whether it is emotional, relational, spiritual, or mental. The energy surrounding the new year allows us all to let go of whatever doesn't work anymore and grab ahold of something new. It's time to kick off the new year with growth.

Every new year I hear a lot of negative talk about resolutions - how they don't work, how silly they are, and how you would be better off just carrying on without setting any "worthless" goals. Maybe many people to lose sight of their resolutions quickly however, it seems to me we should be encouraging each other to set goals and cheering them on along the way. Perhaps we could focus on how to change the success rate instead of encouraging people to give up all together. A kind word has always gone a long way for me. If friends of mine had told me to forget my goals because no one ever succeeds anyway, I don't think I would have made it this far. Goal setting is positive. I hope that you continue to set goals for yourself all year long. I hope that you set a direction for your life and go for it with all your heart and soul.

I am the type of person that can be overwhelmed by all the things I want to accomplish. Too many goals, too many dreams, too LITTLE time! This year I want to be deliberate. I want to pick one thing at a time and live it. Self care is a theme for me this year and that will be my resolution - for now. I want to take extremely good care of myself this year, because I have never been that great at it. When it comes to nutrition, health, relaxation, spirituality, relationships, fitness, and work, I want to be a bad *ss at taking care of me in 2014.

So take a risk and challenge yourself this year to something new. So what if you "fail" - if there is such a thing. We have really been beaten if we are so sure of failure that we fail to try for anything. Don't make it complicated, but set one simple goal at a time and set yourself on fire. Be passionate about life. Take the next indicated step. Get to know yourself and your desires this year, and get to it!

Let me know what you have decided to do this year, or month, or week at I would love to hear about it!

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