Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Most of the time we hear the word "tolerate" these days, it is in a positive way. We have come a long way in the acceptance of others' beliefs and lifestyles - and I think this is wonderful. What isn't wonderful is the tolerance we allow to hang around in our day to day personal bubble. What I mean by that is the "little stuff" like the pile of laundry that haunts you every time you look at it, the messy kitchen, the closet that needs to be organized, or the fact that you have entirely TOO MUCH STUFF for your tiny apartment. There are any number of things that we could be tolerating at any given moment and most of it seems oh so harmless. But is it?

I believe that we allow so many things we are tolerating to build up to the point we drain our energy. Energy needed to live a fulfilled life. Those messy little annoyances and unfinished projects contribute to you feeling overwhelmed and unaccomplished. Don't believe me? When I heard about this principle, I became painfully aware of all the things I had allowed to accumulate. I don't know how I had gotten the idea I needed to save everything - but I thought I was being frugal and smart but keeping things I hadn't used for years that I might need someday. Now I realize that the space around me reflects the space in my spirit. I was cluttered - inside and out. But when I started slowly clearing my home and space of things I just simply did not need, my mental space started feeling a lot clearer as well. My life had room for new opportunities, my bookshelves had room for more books, and mind had room for new and exciting ideas.

You may not have a clutter problem, yours might be cleanliness, or disorganization. Perhaps you are the queen of unfinished projects. It could even be unhelpful people you have kept in your life. Maybe friends that cause annoyance or a job that you are tolerating. Maybe you are tolerating unhealthy foods and you know your body deserves better. Many of these things weight us down more than we think they do. Whatever you are tolerating could be keeping you from huge lifestyle changes or game changing realizations. They are not worth it. The things we tolerate become like a chronic disease which slowly and stealthily robs us of our potential. In essence, all of those small annoyances take up all of your space for newness and creativity. Your energy cannot seep out to all of those things clogging up your thoughts and make room for the new and exciting at the same time. Say yes to one and no to the other. It's your choice!!

So what are you going to get rid of today? What is draining you of your energy and newness? I would love to hear about how you are going to freshen up your life today. Start the conversation here or email me at defytheaverage@gmail.com

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