Thursday, November 17, 2011

Be True to You

Today, I am celebrating the grace that God has shown me. I am facing a difficult situation today, but I am thankful of the timing. See I would not have been able to handle this particular situation and difficulty previous to this time. I have been learning so much about the importance of taking care of myself that I have a clear picture of my priorities today. Now, instead of a problem being so complicated that my head swims in overwhelmed panic, I can ask myself: what decision would take the best care of me? Or: If I go this direction, is that going to be true to my own needs? If I cannot answer positively to these questions, then I know I have not made the best decision. I now understand that my number one responsibility is to take care of myself. In this way, I am choosing what is best for everyone, not just myself. When I am true to myself, I am giving people the only thing that they deserve from me: my happiness. It is not my responsibility to take care of other people, especially if taking care of them means short changing myself. When I give myself the health that I NEED, I am capable of inspiring and healing so many other people around me!

Sometimes this means making some very difficult decisions. When we allow people to take things from us that affect our own health, sometimes it is necessary to stop giving them what they may think they deserve. While many times this may feel cruel, in reality it is the most loving thing that could be done. Sometimes people need to be given the opportunity to do something for themselves before they see how much they are capable of. When we give a person the dignity to take care of himself, we get to sit back and watch them shine! It just is simply not fair to rob someone of the opportunity to learn of the abilities God has given him! I mean, how many times did you have to struggle, fail, succeed, in order to learn what you know today? It may have been painful, but it has shaped who you are. Don't take that journey away from those that you love.

So today, what is one thing that you are doing for someone that maybe they could do for themselves? Can you hand them the power to prove to themselves and the world that they are talented and capable of taking care of themselves?

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