Thursday, November 3, 2011

Step out of a False Life and Live a Fulfilled Life

In all walks of our life, it is important to be able to be in relationship with people who honor your authentic self.

What the heck does that mean?

Well, a definition of authentic is: "true to one's own personality, spirit, or character" or simply, "not false".

So that means that our aim should be, if we wish to be happy, to create relationships that honor our TRUE PERSONALITY, SPIRIT and CHARACTER that is NOT based in FALSEHOOD.

Whoa... now THAT makes sense!!
But HOW?

Well, first things first. We gotta start BEING our true CHARACTER, PERSONALITY and SPIRIT. We have to not be false with ourselves. Ah ha! There lies the first key to living an "authentic" life.

So... What are your true character, spirit and personality? Another way to look at this is... What makes YOU come alive? What do you REALLY feel? How can you communicate and express your TRUE feelings with Love?

If we are holding back how we feel, not expressing ourselves to others and/or not expressing our creative gifts, then we are not living an authentic life. Making this one switch can lead to MASSIVE change in and of itself. But this isn't where we stop for this blog.

Now, we move into creating relationships and partnerships in our life that allow, support and endorse not only OUR authentic self, but also the authentic selves of those we choose to be with. THIS REQUIRES MAJOR COURAGE, LOVE & PATIENCE.

To continually risk exposing how we feel can seem dangerous and scary. But it's necessary to live an authentic and happy life. To be able to hold space for others to do the same requires major Love and patience. Also, as we look around our lives and see who is in it currently, we may come to realize that there are some changes that need to be made. Just because you are being authentic and those in your life are being authentic doesn't mean that those energies will match. We may come to find out that they don't match AT ALL. In which case, the authentic thing to do is to part.

You see, my friends, I truly believe that if we are not living an authentic life, we attract "falsehood". Not falsehood in the sense of anything negative. No. Falsehood in the sense that we can very easily begin to craft a life of fear, of scarcity and of smallness. But that is not what we are meant for. We are meant for greater things than this. So it is up to us to muster the courage to begin to live an authentic life and Love those in our life enough to allow them their own creative and authentic expression. Hopefully this will bring us closer together, but let us honor the outcome if it drives us apart as well.

Switching from a life of masks and falsehood can sometimes feel like pushing out a splinter. But it's worth it. Living an authentic life eventually leads to being happy MOST of the time.

Do not let anything into your life that doesn't resonate with your authentic self. Let go of what's not working. Embrace what is and have the courage to face the unknown as you switch from the falsehood of living a fear based life to the bliss of living an authentic life.
I love you,


Take what resonates with you from this blog and leave the rest.

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