Thursday, November 10, 2011

Who are you going to be today?

The desire that you have in your soul to become whatever you want to become is real. It's a part of you that is calling out to be seen, heard, felt and acted on. Whatever you want to become, know this: you ALREADY ARE.

So stop trying to become it. Instead, act as if you already are it and watch how magically life unfolds.

Instead of pining or buying into doubt - start TAKING ACTION as if you already are what you want to become.

In other words - BE WHAT YOU SEEK!

Start putting yourself in places and environments that are in alignment with your dreams. Want to be an actor? Get your ass to LA or NY and start doing what actors do. What to be a writer?  Start taking actions that writers write and be in environments that writers are in. What to get in shape? Put yourself in health and fitness environments. Stop hanging out at McDonalds and start hanging out at the gym. Don't bring unhealthy food into the house.

Our environment, far greater than anything else, dictates the quality AND trajectory of our life. If you want to be a painter, go be with painters and start creating rituals that a painter would have. If you want to start a business, be around other entrepreneurs, absorb news on entrepreneurs and get busy taking risks like entrepreneurs do.

Also, and this is VERY important - surround yourself with people who already have what you want. If you hang out with people who have never achieved the dream you're dreaming - they are probably going to give you bad advice. Most people aren't living their dream - most people are living their nightmare and so they will give you advice on how to live your nightmare, too.

Environment plays a major role in how your life will turn out - so does the types of people you are hanging with. If you want your dreams to come true, start hanging in places where they already are and with people who can help guide your way. It's possible to achieve your dreams; you just gotta make sure you are on the side of making them come true, instead of doubting that they exist. Show people who are living their nightmare that it's totally possible to live their dreams by showing them yours. Be a light.

Know that you already are the dream and start taking action until you produce the result in real life. Keep going. Try until it happens and don't stop until then.

Love & passion,


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